How can we execute failed test cases in Selenium using TestNG
There are multiple ways to execute Failed test cases in Selenium using TestNG:
- 'testng-failed.xml'
- IRetryAnalyzer
If any test case is failed, testng-failed.xml is generated in the reports output directory(Target directory). We can simply run above xml to rerun the failed test cases.
Location of testng-failed.xml
Running testng-failed.xml
In eclipse - Simply right click on xml file and run as testng
TestNG has an Interface to implement to be able to have a chance to retry a failed test that is IRetryAnalyzer.
If you want TestNG to automatically retry a test whenever it fails. You can use a retry analyzer.
To retry a failed test you have bind retry analyzer to each test which you want to invoke on test failure.
How can we bind retry analyzer at Test Level
You can use retryAnalyzer attribute and assign it to implemented class of IRetryAnalyzer interface at test level. As shown below:@Test(retryAnalyzer = RetryAnalyzerImpl.class)
Complete implementation of IRetryAnalyzer class is shown below:
Sample Test class implementation is shown below:
Setup RetryAnalyzer at Class/Suite Level
We can setRetryAnalyzer in setup method - @BeforeClass, @BeforeSuite instead of @Test as shown in